Online Services Technical Issue - Viewing Certificates

We have identified a technical issue in Online Services that has caused some users to be unable to view their certificates. We’ve made an update that should fix this issue, and we encourage you to try logging in again. If the issue persists, please contact us.  

Online Services Technical Issue - Viewing Certificates

We have identified a technical issue in Online Services that has caused some users to be unable to view their certificates. We’ve made an update that should fix this issue, and we encourage you to try logging in again. If the issue persists, please contact us.  

Major and minor alterations


Directive: Major and minor alterations

March 2, 2012

Elevating Devices

Reference Number:

D-L4 110803 5

Revision Number:

Rev 6

This directive is being issued by a provincial safety manager pursuant to section 30 of the Safety Standards Act.

Major and minor alteration requirements:

This bulletin is issued to all licensed elevating device contractors to clarify the requirements prior to an alteration of an existing elevating device in accordance to the A17.1/B44-2016 code.

The requirements for the submission and filing of technical information documents for major and minor alterations of an existing elevating device are as follows:

Submission and filing of technical information documents:

As per section 25 (1) of the Elevating Devices Safety Regulation (EDSR), before a Major or Minor Alteration of an existing elevating device may begin, a technical information package for the elevating device must be submitted to, and filed with, a provincial safety manager in the required form.

Note: As per section 12(2) of the Safety Standards General Regulation, in an emergency, or if required to perform regulated work when the permit issuing office is closed, a person is not required to obtain a permit before performing regulated work when the person:

  1. is authorized under the Act to perform the regulated work, and
  2. applies for a permit from the regulatory authority on the first business day following the emergency or the next day that the permit issuing office is open.

Major Alterations:

  1. The technical information package submitted under section 25 (1) of the EDSR must,

    as per subsection (3) include the seal of a BC professional engineer approving the design drawings and specifications for a major alteration to an existing elevating device, and the professional engineer must verify the accuracy of the contents of the technical information package; and

  2. As per the requirements of 12(2) of the EDSR a licensed elevating device contractor or mechanic must submit to a safety manager a signed declaration that the regulated work complies with the Safety Standards Act, and request a safety officer to conduct an acceptance inspection prior to the elevating device being returned to service.

Minor Alterations:

  1. As per the requirements of 12(3)(a) and (b) of the EDSR, within 30 days upon completion of the minor alteration, submit to a safety manager a signed declaration that the regulated work  complies with all requirements under the Act and regulations and, within 60 days of returning the device back to service, request a safety officer to conduct an acceptance inspection if the scope of the minor alteration is deemed to require an inspection.

A “list of alterations” has been included as a supplement which provides details as to when an alteration is considered either a major or minor alteration and when an acceptance inspection is required. The list referenced, is based on the requirements found in section 8.7 of the ASME A17.1/B44-2016 code and was consulted upon with industry representatives.

Nav Chahal,
Provincial Safety Manager - Transportation

Safety Standards Act
Elevating Devices Safety Regulation
Safety Standards General Regulation
ASME A17.1/CSA B44
Supplement: List of Alterations